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Quick Quizzes. Grow your. vocabulary! Reverse translation for pint. pinta - dot, spot, pint, aspect, appearance. How to say pint in Spanish - Translation of pint to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English - Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. Example sentences: I'd like another pint, please.

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a. la pinta. (F) I bought a pint of ice cream to enjoy after dinner.Me compré una pinta de helado para disfrutar después de la cena. 2. (coloquial) (bebida) a. la cerveza. (F) Would you like to join me for a pint at the bar after class?¿Te apetecería venir conmigo a tomar una cerveza en el bar después de clase?
Spanish language and grammar love
Ordering beer in Spanish. English translation. Dame una cerveza, por favor. Get me a beer, please. Tomo una cerveza, por favor. I'll take a beer, please. Quiero una cerveza, por favor. I would like a beer, please. Ponme una cerveza, por favor.

How to Convert Cups to Pints.
In this case, it's up to you how much information you need for your order. So, if for example, you want to add or avoid some ingredients in your coffee and you'll also want to mention the size you want, you'll need to use the following structure: A phrase to ask for a drink + size + con + ingredient. A phrase to ask for a drink + size.

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pint noun volume_up US /paɪnt/ • volume_up UK /pʌɪnt/ 1. (measure) pinta (feminine) (EEUU: 0,47 litros, RU: 0,57 litros) Monolingual examples I still talk about acres, yards, feet and inches; not forgetting gallons and pints and also hundredweights pounds and ounces.British The liter and its fractions have vanquished quarts, pints, and gallons, while the pound is still holding its own in.
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noun. 1. (unit of measurement) a. la pinta. (F) I bought a pint of ice cream to enjoy after dinner.Me compré una pinta de helado para disfrutar después de la cena. 2. (colloquial) (beverage) a. la cerveza.

How To Say “No” in Spanish 23 Words and Phrases Used All the Time
Formal Ways to Say "Pint" in Spanish. If you find yourself in a formal setting or wish to use proper etiquette, these are the best ways to say "pint" in Spanish: Cerveza de barril: This translates to "draught beer.". In formal situations, it is often used to refer to a pint of beer poured from a tap. Vaso de cerveza: This translates.

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HUMAN TRANSLATION. 1. Una jarra de cerveza. A pint of beer (normally it will be half a liter, not really a pint, but the size is similar; In Chile or Argentina un schop might be anywhere from 300cc to one liter, in Spain the common is a caña which is 20 cl in a tube glass, also you can ask for un quinto ) HELP US MAKE THIS SITE BETTER.
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pinta nf. Add a pint of water to the rice, bring to the boil, then simmer until cooked. Agrega una pinta de agua al arroz, lleva a hervor, y después baja el fuego hasta que se cocine. pint n. UK (liquid measure: 568 ml) pinta nf. I need a pint of milk for this recipe. Necesito una pinta de leche para esta receta.

How To Say Pint YouTube
For example, don't say „I want to speak fluently by the beginning of 2025", say „I want to work on my language skills every single day for 30 minutes until January and will learn 10 new words daily". This is much more realistic and will probably take you closer to fluency than you expect.. English, German, Turkish and Spanish.

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English-Spanish translation of "PINT" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary with over 100,000 Spanish translations.

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Spanish word for pint, including example sentences in both English and Spanish. Learn how to say pint in Spanish with audio of a native Spanish speaker.

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Translation of "pint" into Spanish. pinta, cerveza, cuartillo are the top translations of "pint" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: I'm in the chair and here's a pint of the very best. ↔ Aquí tienes una silla y la mejor de las pintas. pint noun grammar. A unit of volume, equivalent to 1⁄8 of a gallon or [..]

How Do You Say You Are In Spanish Estas bien or esta bien to be
es de los que se beben seis pintas en una noche. ***. 'pint' also found in translations in Spanish-English dictionary. vender a granel. exp. to sell by the pint {o} litre. "pint": examples and translations in context.
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How to Use Other Symbols in Spanish. Besides the special characters mentioned above, there are other symbols in Spanish that you need to master. These symbols are mostly related to money or the internet and are pretty much the same as in English. I'm talking about symbols such as $, €, #, @, *, and /.
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What's the Spanish word for pint? Here's a list of translations. Spanish Translation. medio litro. More Spanish words for pint. la pinta noun. pinta, spot, marking. la cerveza noun.
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