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This is usually expressed as an absolute vale, but can be given as a percentage. The normal way of expressing a measurement x. 0with its uncertainty, u, is: T0± Q ¾ Absolute uncertainty and percentage uncertainty are calculated by using the following equations: Hasan SAYGINEL HS. I A = J= T1+ T2+⋯+ T á.

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Definitions and Concepts for Edexcel (IAL) Physics A-level Unit 6: Practical Skills in Physics II. Accuracy: A measure of how close a measurement is to the true value. Absolute Uncertainty: Uncertainty given as a fixed quantity e.g. 7 ±0.6 V. Calibration: Comparing the reading of one instrument with another of known a ccuracy.

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Revision Notes. Concise resources for the Edexcel International A Level Physics course. 1. Mechanics & Materials. Motion. 1.1 Equations of Motion. 1.2 Motion Graphs. 1.3 Slope & Area of Motion Graphs. 1.4 Scalars & Vectors.
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IAL PHYSICS. UNIT 1. Edexcel Unit 1 Notes: Detailed-Notes-with-Examples Materials; UNIT 2. Edexcel Unit 2 Notes: Detailed-Notes-with-Examples Electricity; UNIT 4. Edexcel Unit 4 Notes: Detailed-Notes-with-Examples Electric-and-Magnetic-Fields; UNIT 5. Edexcel Unit 5 Notes: Detailed-Notes-with-Examples Astrophysics-Cosmology; UNIT 3/6. Edexcel.

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Edexcel IAL Physics Unit 2 Summary© HASAN SAYGINEL EDEXCEL International Advanced Level . Hasan SAYGINEL HS 2 Waves 1 NATURE OF WAVES Waves are classified into two different types: x Mechanical waves x Electromagnetic (EM) waves Mechanical waves Waves that require a medium through which to travel. Examples include sound waves, water waves, and
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